Hi. I'm currently working on a new samurai themed project titled "Kotaro: Shadow of the Samurai". As far as I know, the premise is basically a man who feels angered about everyone trash talking the Sengoku Era Japan. When he gets hit by a train trying to save a homeless man from getting ran over, he finds out he's in that period everyone had been trash talking. After being chased by the Shogun for refusing to give out his name, he meets a samurai named Kotaro, in which he's trying to find the meaning to life during the Sengoku period. At the same time, he aids the man who's just trying to get home to his present time period.
It's a lot more complicated, but I'm gonna need all the help I can get if I want to get the short out by Early 2020. I could use some background artists that could make the world believable in their sense as much as possible. I'll handle most of the animation, but I could also use some supporting animators for this as well. I'll give out more detail soon.